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Fast turnaround liner change, piston overhaul and cylinder cover maintenance

Wartsila 8 RT-Flex 96 maintenance onboard large container ship during short port stay

Goltens routinely performs two stroke diesel engine maintenance and repair for customers all over the world. Knowing this, customers rely on Goltens to be able to accomplish jobs within the time quoted and not introduce downtime or schedule delays for their vessels.

So when Goltens was asked by one of the largest container ship companies in the world to inspect a piston, replace the cylinder liner and perform inspection and maintennace on one of the largest two stroke engines in the market, a Wartsila 8RT-FLEX96, during a port call compressed by schedule delays and bad weather, the customer had full confidence the job would be completed professionally and on time.

Goltens had made all preparations for the vessel arrival, cleaning the protective sealant from the replacement liner stored in Goltens’ workshop and delivered it to the port for the vessel’s arrival. Goltens then deployed an experienced team of a Diesel Service Engineer and 5 Diesel Technicians to complete the job on schedule.

  • Removal of worn liner from Wartsila 8 RT-Flex 96 engine

    Removal of worn liner from Wartsila 8 RT-Flex 96 engine

  • Rigging of replacement liner into position on top of the engine

    Rigging of replacement liner into position on top of the engine

  • Making the replacement liner ready for installation

    Making the replacement liner ready for installation

  • Rigging overhauled piston into position over the replaced liner

    Rigging overhauled piston into position over the replaced liner

  • Installation of the overhauled piston into the engine for connection

    Installation of the overhauled piston into the engine for connection


Vessel type: Container Ship
Tonnage: 61,499 DWT
Engine Output: Mcr 45,778kW (62,240hp)


  • Removed cylinder head, piston and liner
  • Removed carbon build up from the piston, checked tolerances and overhauled piston replacing the piston rings and the o-rings
  • Inspected cylinder liner confirming it required replacement and replaced liner with spare brought by Goltens
  • Removed carbon build up from combustion side and pockets of the cylinder head and inspected for cracks.
  • Reassembled liner, piston and cylinder head for operation.


Goltens’ Diesel Team completed this tasking in less than 11 hours start to finish completing the ship’s required maintenance onsite and allowing the vessel to keep its tight schedule without interruption.

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